What To Do When My Dog Is Vomiting

What to Do When My Dog is Vomiting

Our pets cannot tell us when they are ill, so it is up to us to watch them closely and determine when they need help. When your dog is ill you may need to seek additional help from your vet. First, it is helpful to understand why they might be vomiting in the first place. At Fairway Knolls Veterinary Hospital, we can help your pup get back on top.

Why is My Dog Throwing Up?

There are a few reasons that your dog may be throwing up. The first and most common is that they have eaten something that they should not have. Be it a toy or other object or food that they are not supposed to eat, this is the top reason for dog vomiting. Knowing what food your dog should not eat can help you to keep them safe and avoid vomiting all together.

Foods like grapes, garlic, cooked bones, tomato, and more can all cause an upset stomach in dogs and should be avoided. In general, it is best to keep your dog from eating human food and from eating table scraps as both have the potential to cause your pet to have an upset stomach. If vomiting persists for more than 24 hours, call our veterinarian.

What to Do when your Dog Vomits

The first thing you should do is to make sure that they are not in distress. Make sure they are not swelling or having trouble breathing, as these are signs of an allergic reaction. You also want to make sure that you keep them hydrated. Vomiting can quickly lead to your pet becoming dehydrated which can lead to heart attack, kidney failure, and death. If your pet vomits once then they seem fine with no other symptoms, you may not need to take them to the veterinarian. If vomiting persists or your pet’s condition appears to deteriorate, take them to the vet immediately for medical attention. Prolonged illness can cause a great deal of damage to the body of your pet.

Contact Our Veterinarian

At Fairway Knolls Veterinary Hospital, we are dedicated to making sure your pet is well cared for. For more information about what to do when your dog is vomiting, or to schedule an appointment, call us at (309) 606-1010 or visit us online.


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